This Center was established in 1967 to house personnel and programs of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Cooperative Extension for the purpose of addressing the needs of East Texas and its citizens. Research and extension education in agriculture, family and consumer sciences, youth and economic development constitute the programs. Research is conducted on agricultural topics pertinent to the East Texas ecosystem.
On November 7, 1961, East Texas agricultural leaders and Texas A&M officials met to explore the possibility of building a consolidated agricultural research station in East Texas. Four years later, the new East Texas Research & Extension Center at Overton was planned and supported by Bruce McMillan, Jr. Foundation and Texas A&M University, under the direction of President Earl Rudder. The initial Foundation grant totaled $300,000 plus 150 Hereford cattle, 22 acres of land deeded to Texas A&M for station headquarters, farm equipment, and three 25-year leases on 1221 acres for experimental work. Grants made later by the Foundation for capital improvements would total over $700,000.
Today the Center is called the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton. Research and extension education in agriculture, family and consumer sciences, youth and economic development constitute the programs. Research is conducted on agricultural topics pertinent to the East Texas ecosystem such as forages, horticulture, and cattle physiology.