Research > Ryegrass and Small Grains


Over 50 annual ryegrass cultivars and small grain cultivars are evaluated each year at Overton, Texas for cold tolerance, disease incidence, and seasonal forage yield. These trials are conducted in replicated, randomized complete block designs using current fertilizer and lime recommendations according to annual soil tests. These forage trials are conducted to help regional producers choose the best cultivars for their management systems and to assist seed companies in the evaluation of experimental lines. Every single year of forage production data is highly dependent on weather conditions and should be viewed in that light. Three-year average forage production data should be used to make decisions regarding the suitability and yield potential of cultivars.

Previous Ryegrass Evaluations:


Previous Years’ Small Grains Evaluations:


Dr. Gerald Ray Smith

Dr. Gerald Ray Smith

Team Members

  • Judson Harkless, Agricultural Research Worker


  • Smith, G.R., F.M. Rouquette, Jr., and I.J. Pemberton. 2008. Registration of Rio Verde lablab. J. of Plant Reg. 2:15.
  • Smith, G.R., F.M. Rouquette, Jr., and I.J. Pemberton. 2009. Lablab Bean: A New Multi-purpose Forage and Seed Crop for Texas. Proceedings of 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference. 10-14 Aug. 2009. Cairns, Australia
  • Rouquette, F.M., Jr. and G.R. Smith. 2010. Review: Effects of biological nitrogen fixation and nutrient cycling on stocking strategies for cow-calf and stocker programs. The Prof. Anim. Scientist 26:131-141.
  • Rouquette, F.M., Jr., W.F. Anderson, K.R. Harris-Shultz and G.R. Smith. 2011. Stand maintenance and genetic diversity of bermudagrass pastures under different grazing management strategies during a 38-year period. Crop Sci. 51:2886-2894.
  • Silveira, M., F.M. Rouquette, Jr., G.R. Smith, H.M.S. daSilva and J.C.B. Dubeax. 2014. Soil fertility principles for warm-season perennial forages and sustainable pasture production. Forage and Grazinglands. Vol. 12, No. 1 (doi:10.2134/FG-2013-0041-RV).
  • Smith, G. R., G. W. Evers, W. R. Ocumpaugh, T. D. A. Forbes, K. Ong, and J. Foster Malone. 2017. Silver River Sweetclover. J. Plant Reg. 11(2).
  • Rouquette, Jr, Francis M., Edzard van Santen, and Gerald R. Smith. 2018. Long-term forage and cow-calf relationships for bermudagrass overseeded with arrowleaf clover or annual ryegrass managed at different stocking rates. Crop Sci. 58:1426-1439.
  • Rouquette, Monte, Jr., Vanessa Corriher-Olson, and Gerald R. Smith. 2019. Management strategies for pastures and beef cattle in the Middle-South: The I-20 Corridor. p.123-188. In: Monte Rouquette, Jr. and Glen E. Aiken (Ed). Management strategies for sustainable Cattle Production in Southern Pastures. Elsevier Academic Press. San Diego, CA. USA.
  • Aiosa, M. L., C.B. Neely, C.L. Morgan, R. W. Jessup, V.A. Corriher-Olson, A.C. Somenahally, K. D. Norman, G.R. Smith, and F.M. Rouquette, Jr. 2020. Cowpeas as a summer cover crop for forage rye. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. (accepted, in press).
  • Smith, G.R., M. L. Aiosa, V. Corriher-Olson, T.R. Faske, C.B. Neely, A.C. Somenahally and F.M. Rouquette, Jr. 2020. Evaluation of cowpea germplasm for biomass production, seed yield and southern root-know nematode resistance. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. (submitted, in review).
  • Smith, G.R., F.M. Rouquette, Jr., and P. DeLaune. Registration of Ace forage cowpea. J. Plant Reg. (accepted, in press)