Linked information:
- Five page report summarizing 165 cotton variety demonstrations testing 214 varieties in West Central Texas from 1989 to 2000.
- Insect section describes methods for determining infestation levels, the need for insecticidal applications (17 pages) and the insecticide to apply (9 pages).
- Disease section eight color templates and discussion of seven diseases.
- Weed control section discusses crop rotation, mechanical methods and herbicides to insure a successful weed control program at minimum cost. Select herbicides based on specific weed or grass problems encountered in each field and rotational crop intentions (22 pages).
- Cotton harvest-aid recommendations for West Central Texas publication for 2001 printed is 11 pages. Linked is 115 pages of label information and 89 pages of msds sheets for 15 harvest aids referenced. Reviewed by Dr. Robert G. Lemon, Associate Professor and Extension Agronomist, Dr. J. Tom Cothren, Professor-Crop Physiology, Dr. James R. Supak, Professor and Associate Department Head, and Don Renchie, Extension Program Specialist.
- Marketing tools and strategies section discusses a wide array of marketing tools available for cotton producers. Linked from this section is pages of market related information (28 pages).