The Texas AgriLife Fecal Egg Counting (FEC) Lab performs accurate roundworm egg counts (including Haemonchus Cortortus) for sheep and goat producers. This analysis is intended to help producers make informed genetic selection decisions regarding parasite resistance. This is not a diagnostic service, nor do we provide veterinary advice regarding the treatment of infected animals. We encourage producers to submit samples from contemporary groups to best detect variation and to better identify superior and inferior animals for this trait.
Pricing: $5.00/sample (25 sample minimum)
*Only sheep and goat samples are accepted.
Guidelines for Submission:
- Complete Sample Submission Form and email to
- Collect a minimum 2 gram sample directly from the sheep or goat.
- Package individual samples in plastic cups with lids or small Ziploc bags, and label each with animal ID. Store samples at 36°-45°F. Do not freeze.
- Place samples in a styrofoam cooler with cool packs for overnight delivery to shipping address shown on Sample Submission Form.
* Results will be returned within 7 business days of arrival.
View Collection Procedure: