Texas A&M AgriLife Research
7887 U S Highway 87 North
San Angelo, Texas 76901
Department of Animal Science
Texas A&M University
Full Curriculum Vitae | Publications
2010 Animal Genetics Research Project
Dr. Dan Waldron
Background: Many of the sheep in the Western US are of the Rambouillet breed, which is considered a dual-purpose breed because both meat and wool have been economically important products. Dorper, a breed developed in South Africa, in a low rainfall area, is a hair/shedding breed that does not require shearing. The Dorper has been selected for carcass traits and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions typical of much of the sheep production area of the Southwestern US. The Dorper is a potential alternative to the Rambouillet for lamb production. A research trial was designed and is being conducted, that will provide sheep producers with information about the relative production of Dorper and Rambouillet ewes in commercial conditions.
One-hundred ewe lambs of each breed were obtained to create the research flock. Ewes were obtained from several different flocks to represent a broad sample of the breeds. Performance is being recorded for fertility, number of lambs born, number of lambs weaned, birth weight, weaning weight, post-weaning growth rate, and carcass traits.
Knowledge of performance differences between Dorper and Rambouillet ewes will provide producers with information needed to make an informed choice about expected performance of these breeds. Cost of shearing and income from wool and pelts will be included in the final analysis. The economic comparison of lifetime lamb production from Dorper and Rambouillet ewes also needs to account for ewe longevity. The Dorper breed is relatively new to the US and little comparative research with US breeds has been published.

Texas AgriLife Research
Ph. D., Animal Breeding and Genetics, 1990. University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of Animal Sciences. Thesis title: Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Development of Alternate Selection Criteria for Increased Litter Size in Rambouillet Sheep.
Master of Science, Animal Breeding and Genetics, 1987. University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of Animal Sciences. Thesis title: An Analysis of Central Ram Tests in The Midwest.
Bachelor of Science, with Distinction, 1983. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Double Major: Animal Science and Agricultural and Applied Economics.
2006-present: Professor of Animal Breeding/Genetics, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, San Angelo, Texas A&M System.
1999-2006: Associate Professor of Animal Breeding/Genetics, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, San Angelo, Texas A&M System.
1993-1999: Assistant Professor of Animal Breeding/Genetics, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, San Angelo, Texas A&M System.
1990-1993: Research Geneticist, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ruakura Agricultural Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand.
1983-1990: Grad. Research Assistant, Department of Animal Science, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana.
1985,1987: Grad. Teaching Assistant. Department of Animal Science, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana.
The position includes responsibility for planning, conducting, interpreting and reporting results from breeding, selection and management research programs designed to increase the technology for improving the production efficiency and profitability of sheep and Angora and meat goats. Through consultation with the industry, peers and administration, research priorities will be selected to sufficiently limit the research program to allow for in-depth research and follow through to meaningful conclusions. This position includes the responsibility for managing the assigned land and animal resources, employing and managing a capable support staff, managing the expenditure of maintenance funds and utilizing the latest research technology for conducting an effective research program. Much of the research will be conducted in cooperation with other scientists and producers. A major responsibility is to communicate research results to the scientific community and to the industry.
American Society of Animal Science, 1985-present
New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 1990-present
International Goat Association, 1997-present
Strategies for genetic improvement of meat and fiber production from sheep and goats.
Current projects include: Evaluation of Dorper and Rambouillet as maternal breeds in Texas range environment, Estimation of genetic variation for early-breeding-season fertility in meat goats, Estimation of genetic variation for juniper consumption in goats, and improved reproductive efficiency by use of the FecB allele in finewool sheep.
The purpose of each of these projects is to provide sheep and goat producers with the information they need to make informed decisions when selecting breeds or breeding stock within breeds to improve production efficiency.
Evaluation of accuracy of central test performance for prediction of genetic merit for growth rate and fleece traits in Rambouillet sheep.
Genetic selection for heavy weight lean lamb: Estimation of genetic and phenotypic relationships among carcass measurements in sheep.
Economic analysis of lamb price schedules: Interpretation of economic signals given by the New Zealand lamb market to producers. Computer simulation was used to determine the economic value of genetic selection strategies.
Lamb growth and carcass composition: Published a series of 3 papers on growth rate and carcass composition in progeny of centrally tested rams.
Selection for reproduction in sheep: Estimation of variance and covariance components for litter size, ovulation rate, scrotal circumference and body weight.
Genetic relationships among production traits in Rambouillet sheep. Estimated genetic and phenotypic variance parameters for fleece weights, body weight and number of lambs born.
Genetic variation in susceptibility among sheep breeds to Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP). Lambs of 4 breeds were artificially infected and responses evaluated. This was a cooperative project with Dr. de la Concha.
Genetic diseases: Analyzed data for determining mode of inheritance of Spider Syndrome in Suffolk sheep.
Refereed Journal Articles:
Waldron, D.F., D.L. Thomas, T.W. Wickersham, D.G. Morrical, S.R. Baertsche, R.E. Hudgens, C.W. Hirschinger and R.A. Kemp. 1989. Central Ram Tests in the Midwestern United States I. Description and Estimation of Performance Trends. J. Anim. Sci. 67:1189-1198.
Waldron, D.F., D.L. Thomas, T.W. Wickersham, D.G. Morrical, S.R. Baertsche, R.E. Hudgens, C.W. Hirschinger and R.A. Kemp. 1989. Central Ram Tests in the Midwestern United States II. Factors affecting test performance and sale price of tested rams. J. Anim. Sci. 67:1199-1207.
Long, T.E., D.L. Thomas R.L Fernando, J.M. Lewis, U.S. Garrigus and D.F. Waldron. 1989. Estimation of individual and maternal heterosis, repeatability and heritability for ewe productivity and its components in Suffolk and Targhee sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 67:1208-1217.
Waldron, D.F., D.L. Thomas, J.M. Stookey, T.G. Nash, F.K. McKeith and R.L Fernando. 1990. Central Ram Tests in the Midwestern United States: III. Relationship between sire’s central test performance and progeny performance. J. Anim. Sci. 68:45-53.
Matos, C.A.P., D.L. Thomas, T.G. Nash, D.F. Waldron, and J.M. Stookey. 1992. Genetic analyses of scrotal circumference size and growth in Rambouillet lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 70:43-50.
Waldron, D.F., J.N. Clarke, A.L. Rae, A.H. Kirton and G.L. Bennett. 1992. Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates for selection to improve lamb carcass traits. N.Z. J. Agric. Res. 35:287-298.
Waldron, D.F. and D.L. Thomas 1992. Increased litter size in Rambouillet sheep: I. Estimation of genetic parameters. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3333-3344.
Waldron, D.F. and D.L. Thomas. 1992. Increased litter size in Rambouillet sheep: II. Expected response from alternative selection criteria. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3345-3350.
Waldron, D.F., Morris, C.A., Baker, R.L. Johnson, D.L. 1993. Maternal effects for growth traits in beef cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci. 34:57-70.
Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, J.W. Holloway, B.G. Warrington, D.F. Waldron, P.V. Thompson, F.A. Pfeiffer and K. Qi. 1996. Animal performance and fleece characteristics of Angora goats maintained on western and southern Texas rangeland. J. Anim. Sci. 74:545-550.
Lupton,C.J., D.F. Waldron and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1997. Fiber diameter measurements of Angora goats on performance test. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 13:1-5.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1997. Fiber diameter measurements of fine-wool rams on performance test. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13:82-86.
Rhee, K.S., Y.A. Ziprin, C.E. Bishop, and D.F. Waldron. 1997. Composition and stability of goat meat patties as affected by breed type and feeding regimen. J. Food Sci. 62:949-953, 962.
Willingham, T.D., D.F. Waldron and J.E. Wheaton. 1997. Effect of passive immunization against inhibin on serum antibody titers, FSH, and reproductive performance of Rambouillet ewes. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13:142-149.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham, P.V. Thompson, R.G. Eckhoff, and B.J. May. 1998. Age at first estrus, ovulation rate, and age at anestrus in puberal Boer x Spanish and Spanish does. Small Rum. Res. 31:173-176.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham, P.V. Thompson and K.N. Bretzlaff. 1998. Effect of concomitant injection of prostaglandin and PMSG on pregnancy rate and prolificacy of artificially inseminated Spanish goats synchronized with CIDR. Small Rum. Res. 31:177-179.
Lopez-Perez, D., S.D. Lukefahr and D.F. Waldron. 1998. Comparison of crossbred Boer x Spanish kids for growth and litter size traits. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 14:144-147.
Salisbury, M.W., D.F. Waldron, G.R.Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, and B.J. May. 1999. Central test performance of Rambouillet rams as a predictor of growth and wool traits in feedlot and range environments. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 15:80-86.
Oman, J.S., D.F. Waldron, D.B. Griffin, and J.W. Savell. 1999. Effect of breed-type and feeding regimen on goat carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci. 77:3215-3218.
Oman, J.S., D.F. Waldron, D.B. Griffin and J.W. Savell. 2000. Carcass traits and retail shelf-life of meat- and fiber-type goats. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1262-1266.
Rhee, K.S., D.F. Waldron, Y.A. Ziprin, and K.C. Rhee. 2000. Fatty acid composition of goat diets vs. intramuscular fat. Meat Sci. 54:313-318.
Lee, J.W., D.F. Waldron, and L.D. Van Vleck. 2000. Parameter estimates for fleece weight of Rambouillet sheep at different ages. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2108-2112.
Lee, J.W., D.F. Waldron, and L.D. Van Vleck. 2000. Parameter estimates for number of lambs born at different ages and for 18-month body weight of Rambouillet sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2086-2090.
Willingham, T.D. and D.F. Waldron. 2000. A Brief review of the potential use of the Booroola (FecB) allele in the United States. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 16:20-25.
Ueckert, D.N., R.A. Phillips, J.L. Petersen, X.B. Wu, and D.F. Waldron. 2001. Redberry Juniper canopy cover dynamics on western Texas rangelands. J. Range Man. 54:603-610.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2001. Prickle factor in fleeces of performance-tested fine-wool rams. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 17(1):9-13.
Falck, S.J., G.E. Carstens, and D.F. Waldron. 2002. Effects of prenatal shearing of ewes on birth weight and neonatal survivability of lambs. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 17(1):14-20.
Waldron, D.F. 2002. Strategies for genetic improvement of carcass value in lambs. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 17(3):33-37.
Laughlin, A.M., D.F. Waldron, B.F. Craddock, G.R. Engdahl, R.K Dusek, J.E. Huston, C.J. Lupton, D.N. Ueckert, T.L. Shay, and N.E. Cockett. 2003. Use of DNA markers to determine paternity in a multiple-sire mating flock. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 18:14-17.
Rhee, K.S., C.E. Myers, and D.F. Waldron. 2003. Consumer sensory evaluation of plain and seasoned goat meat and beef products. Meat Sci. 65:785-789.
de la Concha-Bermejillo, A., J. Guo, Z. Zhang, and D.F. Waldron. 2003. Severe persistent orf in young goats. J. Vet. Diag. Inv. 15:423-431.
Schulze, K.S., D.F. Waldron, T.D. Willingham, D.R. Shelby, G.R. Engdahl, E. Gootwine, S. Yoshefi, G. W. Montgomery, M.L. Tate, and E.A. Lord. 2003. Effects of the FecB allele in half-sib families of Rambouillet-cross ewes. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 18:83-88.
Thomas, D.L., D.F. Waldron, G.D. Lowe, D.G. Morrical, H.H. Meyer, R.A. High, Y.M. Berger, D.D. Clevenger, G.E. Fogle, R.G. Gottfredson, S.C. Loerch, K.E. McClure T.D. Willingham, D.L. Zartman, and R.D. Zelinsky. 2003. Length of docked tail and incidence of rectal prolapse in lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 81:2725-2732.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2003. Interrelationships of traits measured on fine-wool rams during a central performance test. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 18:1-7.
King, D.A., K.L. Voges, D.S. Hale, D.F. Waldron, C.A. Taylor, and J.W. Savell. 2004. Use of high and low voltage electrical stimulation strategies enhance muscle tenderness and color from cabrito carcasses. Meat Sci. 68:529-535.
Ellis, C.R., R.E. Jones, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor Jr., J.W. Walker, and D.F. Waldron. 2005. Sire influence on juniper consumption by goats. Rangeland Ecol. & Manage. 58:324-328.
Walker, J.W., E.S. Campbell, C.J. Lupton, C.A. Taylor, Jr., D.F. Waldron, and S.Y. Landau. 2007. Effects of breed, sex, and age on the variation and ability of fecal near-infrared reflectance spectra to predict the composition of goat diets. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 518-526.
Campbell, E. S. Taylor, Jr. J. Walker, C. Lupton, D. Waldron, S. Landau. 2007. Effects of supplementation on juniper intake by goats. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 60:588-595.
White, S., L. Herrmann-Hoesing, K. O’Rourke, D. Waldron, J. Rowe, J. Alverson. 2008. Prion gene (PRNP) haplotype variation in United States goat breeds. Genet. Sel. Evol. 40:553-561.
Waldron, D.F., C.A. Taylor Jr., J.W. Walker, E.S. Campbell, C.J. Lupton, T.D. Willingham, S.Y. Landau. 2009. Heritability of juniper consumption in goats. J. Anim. Sci. 87:491-495.
Forbes, T.D.A., R.V. Machen, D.F. Waldron, and C.M. Hensarling. 2008. Serum and tissue copper concentrations in meat goats fed increasing levels of copper. Small. Rum. Res. (submitted)
Whitney, T.R. and D.F. Waldron. 2009. Evaluating nutritional status of Dorper and Rambouillet ewes in a range sheep production system. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 24:10-16.
Lupton, C. J., E. S. Campbell, B. S. Engdahl, T. D. Lovett, F. A. Pfeiffer, C. A. Taylor, Jr., D. F. Waldron, and J. W. Walker. 2009. Selecting Angora goats to consume more juniper. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems J. 11:59-64.
Campbell, E. S., R. A. Frost, T. K. Mosley, J. C. Mosley, C. J. Lupton, C. A. Taylor, Jr., J. W. Walker, D. F. Waldron, and J. Musser. 2010. Pharmacokinetic differences in exposure to camphor after intraruminal dosing in selectively bred lines of goats. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2620-2626.
Blackburn, H. D.. S. R. Paiva, S. Wildeus, W. Getz, D. Waldron, R. Stobart, D. Bixby, P. H. Purdy, C. Welsh, S. Spiller and M. Brown. 2011. Genetic Structure and Diversity among Sheep Breeds in the United States: Identification of the Major Gene Pools. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2336-2348.
Musser, J. M., D. F. Waldron, and C. A Taylor. 2012. Evaluation of homologous and heterologous protection induced by a virulent field strain of orf virus and an orf vaccine in goats. Am. J. Vet. Res. 73:86-90.
White, S. N., J. O. Reynolds, D. F. Waldron, D. A. Schneider, and K. I. O’Rourke. 2012. Extended scrapie incubation time in goats singly heterozygous for PRNP S146 or K222. Gene. 501:49-51.
Washburn, K. E., W. Bissett, D. Waldron, and V. Fajt. 2013. Serologic and bacteriologic culture prevalence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in goats and sheep and use of Bayesian analysis to determine value of assay results for prediction of future infection. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 242:997-1002.
Walker, J. W., D. F. Waldron, E. S. Campbell, C. A. Taylor, Jr., C. J. Lupton, and S. Landau. 2013. Intermediate periodicities in juniper consumption and sampling strategies to estimate the diet of free-grazing goats. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 66:209-215.
Yeaman, J. C., D. F. Waldron, and T. D. Willingham. 2013. Growth and feed conversion efficiency of Dorper and Rambouillet lambs. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted).
Rhone, J. A., D. F. Waldron, and A. D. Herring. 2013. Performance of Boer-Spanish and Spanish does in Texas I: Body weights, fertility, prolificacy, and number of kids weaned. J. Anim. Sci. (submitted)
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Publications:
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1993. Angora goat performance test. TX Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 93-2.
Waldron, D. and C.J. Lupton. 1994. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 94-1.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1994. Angora goat performance test. TX Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 94-2.
Waldron, D. Explanation of (P<.05) Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. p. v.
Waldron, D.F., P.V. Thompson, and T.D. Willingham. 1994. Evaluation of Boer x Spanish cross vs Spanish goats for meat production. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. 5219.
Waldron, D.F., P.V. Thompson, T.D. Willingham, and K.N. Bretzlaff 1994. Effect of Prostaglandin on results of Artificial Insemination in Goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. 5214.
Willingham, T.D., D.F. Waldron, C.J. Lupton, M. Shelton, P. Thompson, F.A. Pfeiffer, D.L. Minikhiem, and G.D. Snowder. 1994. Fleece Traits of Rambouillet and Rambouillet x Australian Merino Cross Ewes. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. 5218.
Willingham, T.D., D.F. Waldron, M. Shelton, P. Thompson, and G.D. Snowder. 1994. Reproductive Performance of Rambouillet and Australian Merino x Rambouillet Cross Ewes. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. 5217.
Lupton, C.J., D.L. Minikhiem, K. Qi, F.A. Pfeiffer, and D.F. Waldron. 1994. Measurement of Medullation in Mohair. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rep. 5230.
Waldron, D. and C.J. Lupton. 1995. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 95-1.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1995. Angora goat performance test. TX Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 95-2.
Waldron, D.F. 1995. 1995 AMGA Central Performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 95-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1996. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 96-1.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1996. Angora goat performance test. TX Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 96-2.
Willingham, T.W., D.F. Waldron and J.E. Wheaton. 1996. Reproductive performance, serum antibody titers and FSH levels of Rambouillet ewes passively immunized against inhibin. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 1-5.
Waldron, D.F., P.V. Thompson, W.S. Ramsey, T.A. Taylor, M. Salisbury and G.R. Engdahl. 1996. Evaluation of the accuracy of central performance test data in Rambouillet sheep. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257pp. 6-8.
Waldron. D.F., E. Gootwine, T.D. Willingham and G. Montgomery. 1996. The use of a DNA marker to select sheep for increased ovulation rate. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 9-11.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham, P.V. Thompson and J.E. Huston. 1996. Growth rate and feed efficiency of Boer x Spanish compared to Spanish goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 12-15.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham and P.V. Thompson. 1996. A comparison of Angora and Spanish does for producing crossbred goats for slaughter: Effects on growth rate and feed efficiency. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 19-21.
Huston, J.E. and D.F. Waldron. 1996. Effects of protein level and roughage level in feedlot rations for goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 22-23.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1996. Fiber diameter measurements of fine-wool rams on performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 53-56.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1996. Fiber diameter measurements of Angora goats on performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 57-59.
Oman, J.S., D.F. Waldron, D.B. Griffin and J.W. Savell. 1996. Effect of breed-type and feeding regimen on goat carcass characteristics. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 68-71.
Oman, J.S., D.F. Waldron, D.B. Griffin and J.W. Savell. 1996. Carcass characteristics and retail shelf-life of meat- and fiber-type goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. CPR-5257 pp. 72-75.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1997. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 97-1.
Waldron, D.F. 1997. Carcass Value: The Meat Sire Index. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 97-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1997. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 97-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1998. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 98-1.
Aber, A.L., D. F. Waldron, C. Jones, J. Kwang, and A. de la Concha-Bermejillo. 1998. Serologic, virologic and pathologic responses to experimental Ovine lentivirus infection among different breeds of sheep. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 72-78.
de la Concha-Bermejillo, A., J.E. Huston, D.F. Waldron, and A.L. Aber. 1998. Effect of sodium molybdate and sulfate supplementation in the diet of sheep chronically intoxicated with copper. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 59-65.
Podisi, B., D.F. Waldron, M. Shelton, and C.J. Lupton. 1998. Relationships among production traits in Angora goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 5-11.
Waldron, D.F., C.J. Lupton, T.D. Willingham, P.V. Thompson, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1998. Accuracy of central performance test wool evaluations in Rambouillet sheep. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 1-4.
Ziprin, Y.A., K.S. Rhee, C.E. Bishop, and D.F. Waldron. 1998. Fatty acid composition of goat meat patties as affected by breed type and feeding regimen. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 86-89.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1999. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 99-1.
Waldron, D.F. 1999. Summary of 1999 ram performance test by sire groups.Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Rep. 99-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 1999. Angora goat performance test report. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 99-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2000. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2000-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2000. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2000). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2000-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2000. Angora goat performance test report. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2000-3.
Rhee, K.S., D.F. Waldron, Y.A. Ziprin, and K.C. Rhee. 2000. Fatty acid profiles of goat diets and their effects on meat fatty acids. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 38-43.
Falck, S.J., G.E. Carstens, and D.F. Waldron. 2000. Effects of prenatal shearing of ewes on lamb birth weight and neonatal lamb survivability. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 44-58.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2000. Prickle factor in fleeces of performance-tested fine-wool rams. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 103-110.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2001. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2001-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2001. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2001). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2001-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2001. Angora goat performance test report. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2001-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2002. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2002-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2002. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2002). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2002-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2002. Angora goat performance test report. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2002-3.
Willingham, T.D., D.F. Waldron, and P.V. Thompson. 2002. Effect of the FecB allele on birth weight and post-weaning production traits of Rambouillet-Booroola cross wethers. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 1-6.
Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2002. Interrelationships of traits measured on fine-wool rams during a central performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 7-16.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham, C.J. Lupton, P.V. Thompson, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2002. Relationship of lifetime fleece weight of ewes to sire’s yearling fleece weight on performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 17-20.
Waldron, D.F., T.D. Willingham, and P.V. Thompson. 2002. Selection practices for meat goats: Estimation of the relationship between sire’s performance on central test and the performance of his progeny. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 21-25.
Carr, M.A., D.F. Waldron, and T.D. Willingham. 2002. Relationships among weights, ultrasound and carcass characteristics in Boer-cross goats. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. pp. 55-59.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2003. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2003-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2003. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2003). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2003-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2003. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2003-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2004. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2004-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2004. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2004). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2004-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2004. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2004-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2005. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2005-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2005. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2005). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2005-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2005. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2005-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2006. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2006-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2006. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2006). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2006-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2006. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2006-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2007. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2007-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2007. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2007). Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2007-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2007. Angora goat performance test. Texas Agric. Exp. Sta. San Angelo Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 2007-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2008. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2008-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2008. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2008). Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2008-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2008. Angora goat performance test. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2008-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2009. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2009-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2009. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2009). Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2009-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2009. Angora goat performance test. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2009-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2010. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2010-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2010. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2010). Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2010-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2010. Angora goat performance test. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2010-3.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2011. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2011-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2011. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2011). Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2011-2.
Waldron, D.F. and C.J. Lupton. 2011. Angora goat performance test. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2011-3.
Waldron, D.F. and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2012. Improvement of sheep through selection of performance-tested and progeny-tested breeding animals. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2012-1.
Waldron, D.F. 2012. Sire summary of ram test performance (1995-2012). Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2012-2.
Waldron, D.F. and F.A. Pfeiffer 2012. Angora goat performance test. Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo Tech. Rep. 2012-3.