P201 | East, G.C., S.K. Kakar, C.J. Lupton and E.V. Truter. 1973. Decomposition of nylons in the solid state. Proc. Soc. Anal. Chem. London, England. 20, 4: 93-97. |
P202 | Lupton, C.J., P.R. Morey and P.E. Sasser. 1977. On the natural fluorescence of cotton plant parts and of dust emitted during cotton processing. In Wakelyn, P.J. and Sasser, P.E. (Eds). Proc. Special Session on Cotton Dust, Belt-wide Cotton Production Res. Conf. Atlanta, GA. 12-16. |
P203 | Lupton, C.J. 1980. Processing of short wool on the cotton system: some effects of wool fiber properties on the yarn properties of wool/cotton and wool/polyester blends. Proc. 6th Quin. Int. Wool Text. Res. Conf. Pretoria, S. Africa. 3:437-473. |
P204 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1987. Evaluation of new instruments for measuring wool and mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 6. |
P205 | Lupton, C.J. and M. Shelton. 1987. Quantify the sources of length variability in short- shorn and shortened wool. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 7. |
P206 | Lupton, C.J., J.W. Bassett, M. Shelton and M.C. Calhoun. 1987. Kemp studies with U.S. mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 8. |
P207 | Lupton, C.J. and R. Jenkins. 1987. Effects of various chemical applications on vegetable contamination in mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 9. |
P208 | Calhoun, M.C and C.J. Lupton. 1988. Using objective fiber measurements to increase the quantity, quality and value of wool and mohair – Angora goat nutrition. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 7. |
P209 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1988. Evaluation of new instruments for measuring wool and mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 5. |
P210 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, N.E. Blakeman, C.A. Taylor and D.N. Ueckert. 1988. Using objective fiber measurements to increase the quantity, quality and value of wool and mohair – skirting of wool. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 6. |
P211 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, N.E. Blakeman and R.F. Jenkins. 1988. Quantification of the effects of several spray applications on vegetable (plant) contamination in mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 8. |
P212 | Lupton, C.J., M.C. Calhoun, W. Holloway, J.E. Huston, M. Shelton, C. Taylor and D. Ueckert. 1988. Increasing fiber production, quality and value. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 9-10. |
P213 | Shelton, J.M., T.D. Willingham and C.J. Lupton. 1988. The evaluation of Booroola Merinos and other selected breeds on reproductive performance and fleece traits. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 14. |
P214 | Lupton, C.J. 1988. Improving dyeability of wool/cotton blends. Proc. Wool/Cotton Blend Conf. Clemson U. Clemson, S.C. 1-23. |
P215 | Turpie, D.W.F, C. Steenkamp, E.E. Lupke, N.M. Kritzinger and C.J. Lupton. 1989. In-plant and between-laboratory evidence in support of the Peyer FDA 200 for the rapid measurement of diameter and its distribution in wool and mohair tops. Part II. Trials with wool tops. Proc. IWTO Tech. Comm. April 24. Perth, Australia. |
P216 | Turpie, D.W.F., C. Steenkamp, E.E. Lupke, N.M. Kritzinger and C.J. Lupton. 1989. In plant and between-laboratory evidence in support of the Peyer FDA 200 for the rapid measurement of diameter and its distribution in wool and mohair tops. Part III. Trials with mohair tops containing various levels of kemp. Proc. IWTO Tech. Comm. April 24. Perth, Australia. |
P217 | Shelton, M. and C.J. Lupton. 1989. What is the story on cashmere? Proc. 4th Ann. Field Day. Am. Inst. Goat Res. Langston U. Langston, OK. 8-16. |
P218 | Lupton, C.J. and M. Shelton. 1989. Angora goat performance testing. Proc. 4th Ann. Field Day. Am. Inst. Goat Res. Langston U. Langston, OK. 158-170. |
P219 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1989. Evaluation of new instruments for measuring wool and mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Corvallis, OR. 4. |
P220 | Lupton, C.J., M.C. Calhoun, J.W. Holloway, J.E. Huston, C. Livingston, M. Shelton and C.A. Taylor. 1989. Using objective measurements to increase quality, quantity and value of animal fibers. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Corvallis, OR. 5. |
P221 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1989. Skirting wool from fine-wool sheep. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Corvallis, OR. 6. |
P222 | Huston, J.E., L.H. Ripley, C.J. Lupton and M. Shelton. 1989. Effect of nutrition of ewe during pregnancy on wool characteristics and birth weight of lambs. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Corvallis, OR. 45. |
P223 | Lupton, C.J. 1989. Developments in objective fiber measurements to express quality and improve marketability of wool, mohair and cashmere. Proc. World Cong. Col. Sheep. Eugene, OR. 227-231. |
P224 | Heird, C.E., D.M. Hallford, R.A. Spoon, D.W. Holcombe, T.C. Pope, V.H. Olivares, M.A. Herring and C.J. Lupton. 1989. Reproduction responses and wool characteristics of ewe lambs after long-term treatment with ovine growth hormone. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Bozeman, MT. 40. |
P225 | Lupton, C.J. 1989. Objective measurements applicable to cashmere fleeces and fibers. Proc. Cashmere Goat Conference. San Angelo, TX. 69-87. |
P226 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1990. New instruments for measuring wool, mohair and cashmere. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Phoenix, AZ. 2-3. |
P227 | Lupton, C.J., M.C. Calhoun, J.W. Holloway, J.E. Huston, M. Shelton and C.A. Taylor. 1990. Using objective fiber measurements to increase quality, quantity and value of animal fibers. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Phoenix, AZ. 4-5. |
P228 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1990. Reduction of plant defect in mohair. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Phoenix, AZ. 6-7. |
P229 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, M.C. Calhoun, M. Shelton and C.A. Taylor. 1990. Effects of quality and quantity of supplemental nutrients on productivity of sheep and goats on rangeland. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Phoenix, AZ. 58-59. |
P230 | Lupton, C.J., M. Shelton and M.L. Bigham. 1990. Performance testing of Angora goats. Proc. 8th. Int. Wool Text. Res. Conf. Christchurch, NZ. Vol. II:284-298. |
P231 | Iman, N.Y., R.J. Stobart, C.L. Johnson, W.C. Russell and C.J. Lupton. 1990. Prediction of variation of fiber diameter in wool fleeces. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Reno, NV. |
P232 | Kuhlmann, S.W., M.C. Calhoun, C.J. Lupton and B.C. Baldwin, Jr. 1990. Nutrition and mohair production by Angora goats. Proc. Int. Goat Prod. Symp. Tallahassee, FL. 71. |
P233 | Lupton, C.J. 1990. Characterization and end-uses of cashmere and mohair. Proc. Int. Goat Prod. Symp. Tallahassee, FL. 191-199. |
P234 | Pfeiffer, F.A., T.D. Brooks, C.J. Lupton, C.A. Taylor and N.E. Blakeman. 1990. Effects of clip preparation on quality and value of Texas mohair. Proc. Int. Goat Prod. Symp. Tallahassee, FL. 188-190. |
P235 | Blakeman, N.E., R.P. Rogers, C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer and J.M. Shelton. 1990. Comparison of fiber traits between Angora, Spanish, Angora x Spanish and Cashmere x Spanish kids. Proc. Int. Goat. Prod. Symp. Tallahassee, FL. 203-205. |
P236 | Pfeiffer, F.A., C.J. Lupton, N.E. Blakeman and R.F. Jenkins. 1990. Spraying oleic acid on Angora goats for reduction of vegetable matter contamination. Proc. Int. Goat. Prod. Symp. Tallahassee, FL. 211-213. |
P237 | Shelton, M. and C.J. Lupton. 1990. Selection for cashmere production. Proc. Meat and Cashmere Goat Prod. Semin. San Angelo, TX. 9-15. |
P238 | Lupton, C.J. and M. Shelton. 1990. The potential for cashmere on meat-type goats. Proc. Meat and Cashmere Goat Prod. Semin. San Angelo, TX. 16-27. |
P239 | Lupton, C.J., M.C. Calhoun, J.W. Holloway, J.E. Huston, J.M. Shelton, C.A. Taylor and D.N. Ueckert. 1991. Development of objective measurements to increase quality, quantity and value of animal fibers. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Long Beach, CA. 1. |
P240 | Iman, N.Y., R.H. Stobart, C.L. Johnson, W.C. Russell, C.J. Lupton and M. Shelton. 1991. Prediction of variation of fiber diameter in wool fleeces. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Long Beach, CA. 2. |
P241 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, C.A. Taylor and T.D. Brooks. 1991. Effects of four supplemental feeds on voluntary intake, weight gain, mohair quality and production of Angora kids. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Long Beach, CA. 23. |
P242 | Lupton, C.J. 1991. Mohair quality, evaluation, preparation and marketing. Proc. Tuskegee Univ. Goat Day. Tuskegee, AL. |
P243 | Lupton, C.J. 1991. Characterization of cashmere. Proc. 4th Ann. Natl. Conf. Cashmere Prod. America. Columbia, MO. 1-19. |
P244 | Lupton, C.J. 1992. Characterization and end-uses of mohair and cashmere. Pre-Conf. Proc. Invited Papers. V. International Conf. on Goats, New Delhi, India. Vol. II, Part II:513-525. |
P245 | Huston, J.E., C.A. Taylor, Jr., C.J. Lupton and T.D. Brooks. 1992. Supplemental feeding of Angora female kids on rangeland. Proc. V. International Conf. on Goats, New Delhi, India. 850-855. |
P246 | Hart, S.P., S.W. Coleman and C.J. Lupton. 1992. Prediction of clean mohair content of greasy fleeces by near infrared spectroscopy. Proc. V. International Conf. on Goats, New Delhi, India. 1547-1553. |
P247 | Lupton, C.J., G. Ahlschwede and F. Craddock. 1992. Wool preparation. Proc. Sheep and Goat Industry Development Symp. May 1-2. Tuscumbia, AL. |
P248 | Lupton, C.J. 1992. Mohair quality, evaluation, preparation and marketing. Proc. Sheep and Goat Industry Development Symp. May 1-2. Tuscumbia, AL. |
P249 | Lupton, C.J., S. Coleman and S. Hart. 1992. Development of near infrared spectroscopy for analysis of mohair. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 37. |
P250 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1992. Application of fiber metrology to wool marketing. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 40. |
P251 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, C.A. Taylor and T.D. Brooks. 1992. Supplemental feeding of Angora female kids on rangeland. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 41-42. |
P252 | Shelton, M., C.J. Lupton and T. Willingham. 1992. Feedlot performance and carcass measures of Rambouillet and Rambouillet x Merino wethers. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 43. |
P253 | Shelton, M., N.E. Blakeman, C.J. Lupton and D. Spiller. 1992. Analysis of factors affecting sale price of performance-tested Rambouillet rams. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Reno, NV. 44. |
P254 | Blakeman, N.E., C.J. Lupton, M. Shelton, F.A. Pfeiffer and T. Willingham. 1992. Cashmere production, measurement and research update. Proc. Texas Cashmere Assoc. Clinic, San Angelo, TX. 20 pp. |
P255 | Blakeman, N.E., C.J. Lupton, M. Shelton, F.A. Pfeiffer, and T. Willingham. 1992. Cashmere production, measurement, and research update. Proc. 5th Annual Natl. Conf., Cashmere Prod. of America. San Angelo, TX. 9-21. |
P256 | Bradford, G.E., M.R. Dally, H. Sakul, R. Kott, C.J. Lupton and G.D. Snowder. 1993. Evaluation of merino and U.S. genotypes for wool and lamb production. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Bozeman, MT. 8-9. |
P257 | Lupton, C.J., K. Qi, F.A. Pfeiffer, D.L. Minikhiem, D.A. Whittaker, and N. Kumar. 1993. Development and evaluation of automatic image analysis techniques for objective measurement of important fiber characteristics. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Bozeman, MT. 46-47. |
P258 | Lupton, C.J. 1993. Characteristics of goat fibers for processing consideration. Proc. Natl. Symp. Goat Fiber Prod., Processing, and Marketing. Oklahoma City, OK. 136-155. |
P259 | Dally, M.R., G.E. Bradford, H. Sakul, R. Kott, C.J. Lupton, and G.D. Snowder. 1994. Evaluation of merino and U.S. genotypes for wool and lamb production. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. San Angelo, TX. 2 pp. |
P260 | Snowder, G., C. Lupton, M. Shelton, V. Thomas, R. Kott, E. Bradford, and M. Dally. 1994. Impact of Australian Merino genotypes on lamb production. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. San Angelo, TX. 2 pp. |
P261 | Qi, K. C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, and D.L. Minikhiem. 1994. Development and automation of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) Image Analysis System and its application to objective measurements of important animal fiber characteristics. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm.-39. San Angelo, TX. 2 pp. |
P262 | Lupton, C.J., and many others. 1994. Impact of Australian Merino genotypes on fleece characteristics of U.S. finewool sheep. Proc., West. Reg. Coord. Comm.-39. San Angelo, TX. 2 pp. |
P263 | Lupton, C.J. 1994. A dozen ways for producers to increase income from mohair. Proc. Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association Seminar: “Life for the Texas sheep and goat industries with reduced government involvements – some thoughts on coping.” Kerrville, TX. July 14:7 pp. |
P264 | Lupton, C.J. and J.E. Huston. 1995. Influence of injectable chelated zinc and manganese on fiber production and liveweight gains in Angora goats and Rambouillet sheep. Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Hopland, CA. 2 pp. |
P265 | Southey, B.R., D.L. Thomas, R.G. Gottfredson, R. Zelinsky, and C.J. Lupton. 1995. Introgression of the FECB allele of the Booroola Merino into a Rambouillet flock. Proc., 43rd Ann. Spooner Sheep Field Day: 36-38. |
P266 | Lupton, C.J., D.L. Minikhiem, F.A. Pfeiffer, and J.R. Marschall. 1995. Concurrent estimation of cashmere down yield and average fiber diameter using the Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser. Proc. 9th Int. Wool Text. Res. Conf. Biella, Italy, Vol. II:545-554. |
P267 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, and D.F. Waldron. 1996. Effects of protein level and type on liveweight gain, mohair growth, and mohair characteristics in male Angora kid goats. Proc. VI Int. Conf. on Goats. Beijing, China, Vol. 2:697. |
P268 | Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, F.A. Pfeiffer, and P.V. Thompson. 1996. Effects of age and season on liveweight and fleece characteristics of castrated Angora goats on western Texas rangeland. Proc. VI Int. Conf. on Goats. Beijing, China, Vol. 1:333-337. |
P269 | Qi, K., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, and A.D. Whittaker. 1996. An automatic image analysis system for objectively measuring characteristics of animal fibers. Proc. VI Int. Conf. on Goats. Beijing, China, Vol. 2:901-904. |
P270 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, and S.J. Lewis. 1996. Determination of medullation in animal fibers using an Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser (OFDA). Proc. West. Reg. Coord. Comm. 39. Laramie, WY. 1 p. |
P271 | Lupton, C.J. 1996. Estimation of cashmere down yield and average fiber diameter using the Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser. Proc. 6th Ann. Cashmere Producers of America Conf., Breeding Track. Laramie, WY. 28-37. |
P272 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, and K.W. Bales. 1997. Effects of a zinc and manganese chelate on live body weight change and mohair growth rate and characteristics of Angora kid goats fed low and poor quality diets. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 039. Ames, IA. 14-15. |
P273 | Salisbury, M.W., G.R. Engdahl, B.J. May, C.J. Lupton, and C.B. Scott. 1997. Effects of protein source on performances of Rambouillet rams. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 039. Ames, IA. 34. |
P274 | Lupton, C.J. 1997. An update on instruments and methodology for objectively measuring raw animal fibers. Proc. Western Coord. Comm. 190. Ames, IA. 35-37. |
P275 | Lupton, C.J. 1997. Objective methods for characterizing cashmere. Proc., The Business of Cashmere Conference III. Bozeman, MT. 4-27. |
P276 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, and A.R. Dooling. 1998. Prediction of cashmere style using objective fiber measurements. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 039. Ruidosa, NM. 54. |
P277 | Lupton, C.J. 1998. Objective methods for characterizing cashmere. Proc., The Business of Cashmere Conference IV. Bozeman, MT. I-10. 24 pp. |
P278 | Lupton, C.J. 1998. Objective measurements and prediction of cashmere style. Proc., The Business of Cashmere Conference IV. Bozeman, MT. I-11. 6 pp. |
P279 | Huston, J.E., C.J. Lupton, K.W. Bales, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1999. Developing a method of feeding lambs for production of large, lean carcasses and high quality fleeces. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 039. Reno, NV. 50-53. |
P280 | Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1999. Prickle factor in fleeces of performance-tested fine-wool rams. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 039. Reno, NV. 59-60. |
P281 | Lupton, C.J. 1999. Objective methods for characterizing cashmere. Proc. The Business of Cashmere Conference V. Missoula, MT. I-10. 24pp. |
P282 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, and A.R. Dooling. 1999. Prediction of cashmere style using objective fiber measurements. The Business of Cashmere Conference V. Missoula, MT. I-11. 6pp. |
P283 | Lupton, C.J., A.R. Dooling, and K. Lankford. 1999. The effects of location on fiber production by cashmere goats: The latitude study – one year in. The Business of Cashmere Conference V. Missoula, MT. I-12. 17 pp. |
P284 | Huston, J.E., P.V. Thompson, C.J. Lupton, and J.W. Kiker. 2000. Management strategies for coping with extremes in mohair prices in Angora goat production. Proc., Int. Conf. on Goats, Tours, France. Vol. 1:349. |
P285 | Lupton, C.J., A.R. Dooling, K. Lankford, J.E. Huston, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2000. Effects of location on fiber production by cashmere goats. Proc., Int. Conf. on Goats, Tours, France. Vol. 2:655. |
P286 | Huston, J.E., P.V. Thompson, C.J. Lupton, and J.W. Kiker. 2000. Management strategies for coping with extremes in mohair prices in Angora goat production. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep. Idaho Falls, ID. 55-56. |
P287 | Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2000. Effects of location on cashmere production by goats. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep. Idaho Falls, ID. 60-62. |
P288 | Lupton, C.J. 2000. Objective methods for characterizing cashmere. Proc. Business of Cashmere Conference VI, Dillon, MT. Sec. I, Rep. I-10. |
P289 | Lupton, C.J., A.R. Dooling, K. Lankford, J.E. Huston, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2000. The effects of location on fiber production by cashmere goats: The latitude/climate study – two years in. Proc. Business of Cashmere Conference VI, Dillon, MT. Sec. I, Rep. I-12. |
P290 | Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, and A.R. Dooling. 2000. Prediction of cashmere style using objective fiber measurements. Proc. Business of Cashmere Conference VI, Dillon, MT. Sec. I, Rep. I-13. |
P291 | Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, K.S. Rhee, B.F. Craddock, W. Polk, F.A. Pfeiffer, and P.V. Thompson. 2001. Concurrent production of high quality fibers and meat using lambs. Proc. Western Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep: Kerrville, TX. 40-47. |
P292 | Huston, J.E., P.V. Thompson, C.J. Lupton, J.L. Johnson, and J.W. Kiker. 2001. Sheep management tips: a computer-enhanced textural, audio, and video educational program in production and risk management. Proc. West. Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep: Kerrville, TX. 48-49. |
P293 | Lupton, C.J., A.A. Simpson, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2002. Research (and service) using the OFDA2000. Proc. Western Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep. Bozeman, MT. 33-36. |
P294 | Hruska, J.W., C.J. Lupton, J.E. Huston, K.S. Rhee, B.F. Craddock, W. Polk, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2002. Effects of production systems and coats on performance, mohair growth and quality, and carcass traits on Angora male kids. Proc. Scientific Conf. on Goats. Prairie View. Oct. 28, 141-156. |
P295 | Lupton, C.J., J.W. Walker, B.S. Engdahl, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2003. Prediction of greasy wool characteristics using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Western Coord. Comm. 39 Ann. Rep. Hettinger, ND. 25-26. |
P296 | Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, B.F. Craddock, J.W. Walker, and J.E. Huston. 2004. Texas Rambouillet Superior Genetics, Inc. A cooperative sheep breeding program. Western Coord. Comm. 39. Ann. Rep. Reno, NV. 71-72. |
P297 | Lupton, C.J. 2004. Use of genetics, nutrition, and management to produce high quality wool. Proc. 7th World Sheep and Wool Congress, Quebec, Canada. 51-63. |
P298 | Walker, J.W., E.S. Campbell, B.S. Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, D.F. Waldron, and W.R. Whitworth. 2005. Considerations for using fecal NIRS for predicting botanical composition of diets. Western Extension, Research and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Ann. Rep. Houston, TX. 18-19. |
P299 | Campbell, E.S., B.S. Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, D.F. Waldron, J.W. Walker, and W.R. Whitworth. 2005. The use of fecal NIRS to identify levels of consumption of the toxic shrub juniper in a selective breeding program with goats. WERA 039 Ann. Rep. Houston, TX. 20-21. |
P300 | Salisbury, M.W., C.J. Lupton, J.M. Self, and G.R. Engdahl. 2005. Effect of the amount of hair at birth on fiber diameter and staple length at weaning in Rambouillet lambs. WERA 039 Ann. Rep. Houston, TX. 37. |
P301 | Lupton, C.J., J.W. Walker, B.S. Engdahl, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2005. Prediction of greasy wool and mohair characteristics using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). WERA 039 Ann. Rep. Houston, TX. 38-39. |
P302 | Campbell, E.S., B.S. Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, Jr., D.F. Waldron, J.W. Walker, and W.R. Whitworth. 2005. The use of fecal NIRS to identify levels of consumption of the toxic shrub juniper in a selective breeding program with goats. Proc. 7th. Int. Symp. Poisonous Plants, Logan, UT. June 6-10. |
P303 | Lupton, C.J. and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2006. Predicting the average fineness of bulk lines of fine wool by measuring one mid-side staple from each skirted fleece in the line with an OFDA2000. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Ann. Rep. San Angelo, TX. 31-33. |
P304 | Lupton, C.J., E.S. Campbell, B.S. Engdahl, T.D. Lovett, F.A. Pfeiffer, C.A. Taylor, Jr., D.F. Waldron, and J.W. Walker. 2007. Mohair production and fiber properties in two divergent selection lines of Angora goats. Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039): 25-26. |
P305 | Lupton, C.J., B.S. Engdahl, F.A. Pfeiffer, and J.W. Walker. 2007. Luster measurement of mohair produced by Angora goats. Ann. Rep. WERA 039: 38-39. |
P306 | Campbell, E.S., B.S. Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, D.F. Waldron, J.W. Walker, and W.R. Whitworth. 2007. The use of fecal NIRS to identify levels of consumption of the toxic shrub juniper in a selective breeding program with goats. In: K.E. Panter, T.L. Wierenga, J.A. Pfister [EDS] Poisonous Plants, Global Research Solutions. Cambridge, MA: CABI Publishing. pp. 386-393. |
P307 | Whitney, T. R., and C. J. Lupton. Increasing value and use of underutilized feed resources. Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Bozeman, MT. June 1-3: 25-28. |
P308 | Lupton, C. J., F. A. Pfeiffer, and D. F. Waldron. 2008. Estimating average fiber diameter and variability of wool fleeces using Optical Fibre Diameter Analysers (OFDA 100 and 2000). Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Bozeman, MT. June 1-3: 54-55. |
P309 | Taylor, J. B., C. J. Lupton, and J. S. Caton. 2008. Strategic use of the Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser 2000 (OFDA2000) to assess historic nutrient status of pregnant Rambouillet ewes. Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Bozeman, MT. June 1-3: 61-62. |
310 | PLupton, C. J. 2009. Alpaca quality and analysis. Proceedings, Alpaca Information Day, Virginia State University, Petersburg, January 17: 1-58. |
P311 | Lupton, C. J. 2009. Wool research to enhance the competitiveness and prosperity of the U.S. sheep industry. Proc. U.S. Sheep Research Programs, Research Symposium, American Sheep Industry Association Annual Convention, San Diego, January 22:64-67. |
P312 | Lupton, C. J., F. A. Pfeiffer, W. S. Ramsey, M. W. Salisbury, D. F. Waldron, J. W. Walker, and T. D. Willingham. 2009. A comparison between Texas Rambouillet sheep and Australian Merino F1 crosses. Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Reno, NV. May 31-June2:31-33. |
P313 | Salisbury, M. W., C. J. Lupton, J. M. Self, C. Settle, and K. C. Ede. 2009. Correlations between the amount of hair at birth and wool quality at weaning in Rambouillet lambs. Ann. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coordinating Committee 039 (WERA 039) Reno, NV. May 31-June 2:37-38. |
P314 | Lupton, C. J., F. A. Pfeiffer, W. S. Ramsey, M. Salisbury, D. F. Waldron, J. W. Walker, and T. W. Willingham. 2010. Comparison of Texas Rambouillet sheep with Australian Merino F1 crosses. Sheep Research and Outreach Symposium, American Sheep Industry Association Annu. Convention, Nashville, TN, January 21:52-54 |
P315 | Whitney, T. R. and C. J. Lupton. 2010. Redberry juniper as a roughage source in lamb finishing rations: wool and carcass characteristics, meat fatty acid profiles, and sensory panel traits. WERA 039 Ann. Rep. Dubois, ID:24-27. |
P316 | Lupton, C. J., F. A. Pfeiffer, W. S. Ramsey, M. W. Salisbury, D. F. Waldron, J. W. Walker, and T. D. Willingham. 2010. A comparison between Texas Rambouillet sheep and Australian F1 crosses-year 3. Annu. Rep. Western Extension, Research, and Academic Coord. Committee 039 (WERA 039) Dubois, ID. June7-10:32-34. |
P317 | Whitney, T. R. and C. J. Lupton. 2010. Evaluating roughage level in lamb finishing diets containing 40% distillers dried grains: growth, serum urea N, NEFA, and IGF-1 concentrations and wool characteristics. WERA 039 Ann. Rep. Dubois, ID:58-59. |