R101 Lupton, C.J. 1975. Qualitative analysis of carboxylic acids by partition thin-layer chromatography. J. Chromatog. 104, 1:223-224. R102 East, G.C., C.J. Lupton, and E.V. Truter. 1975. The thermal oxidation of pyrrolidine. Analytica Chimica Acta. 75:468-473. R103 East, G.C., C.J. Lupton, and E.V. Truter. 1975. Composition of the brown material from oxidized nylon 6. Text. Res. J. 45:863-868. R104 Lupton, C.J. and J.E. Loughlin. 1975. A new technique for immunizing cotton. Text. Res. J. 45, 1:92. R105 Lupton, C.J. 1979. Utilization of short wool on the cotton system of yarn manufacturing. Techn. 6, 1:26-28. R106 Lupton, C.J. 1980. Wool processing on the cotton system: a comparison between cut-top wool and six-month shorn wool in a blend with polyester. Text. Res. J. 50, 2:119-129. R107 Lupton, C.J. and S. Khan. 1984. The production and performance of wool blend fabrics composed of yarns spun on the cotton system. Text. Res. J. 54, 2:82-92. R108 Lupton, C.J. and S. Khan. 1984. The production and performance of wool blend fabrics composed of yarns spun on the cotton system. Text. Res. J. 54, 2:82-92. R109 Lupton, C.J. 1987. The role of objective measurements in wool research and marketing. SID Res. Dig. 3, 3:21-25. R110 Willingham, T., M. Shelton and C.J. Lupton. 1988. The influence of introducing the Booroola Merino genotype to Rambouillet flocks on reproduction and fleece traits in comparison with other selected breed crosses. SID Res. J. 4, 2:1-5. R111 Holcombe, D.W., D.M. Hallford, W.C. Hoefler, T.T. Ross and C.J. Lupton. 1988. Wool quality and yield in fine-wool ewe lambs after short-term administration of ovine growth hormone. SID Res. J. 4, 2:21-25. R112 Blakeman, N.E., C.J. Lupton and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1988. A sonic digitizer technique for measuring medullation in mohair. Text. Res. J. 58, 9:555-556. R113 Lupton, C.J. 1989. A review: current grades, quantities and uses of wool in the United States. SID Res. J. 5, 2:34-44. R114 Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1989. Optimizing the value of grease wool through preparation and marketing. SID Res. J. 5, Special Issue:1-20. R115 Iman, N.Y., R.H. Stobart, C.L. Johnson, W.C. Russell, C.J. Lupton and M. Shelton. 1990. Prediction of variation of fiber diameter in wool fleeces. SID Sheep Res. J. 6, 3:1-5. R116 Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1991. Medullation in mohair. Small Rumin. Res. 5:357-365. R117 Blakeman, N.E., C.J. Lupton and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1991. Strength and resistance to compression of U.S. wools. Sheep Res. J. 7, 2:4-7. R118 Qi, K., C.D. Lu, F.N. Owens and C.J. Lupton. 1992. Sulfate supplementation of Angora goats: metabolic and mohair responses. J. Anim. Sci. 70:2828-2837. R119 Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, N.E. Blakeman, D.N. Ueckert, and J.E. Huston. 1992. Effects of skirting on yield, fineness, and value of wool from fine-wool range ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3657-3664. R120 Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer and N.E. Blakeman. 1993. Economic impact of pre-sale fiber measurements on prices paid for wool. SID Sheep Res. J. 9, 1:35-37. R121 Huston, J.E., C.A. Taylor, C.J. Lupton, and T.D. Brooks. 1993. Effects of supplementation on intake, growth rate, and fleece production by female Angora kid goats grazing rangeland. J. Anim. Sci. 71:3124-3130. R122 Qi, K., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, and D.L. Minikhiem. 1994. Evaluation of the Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser (OFDA) for measuring fiber diameter parameters of sheep and goats. J. Anim. Sci. 72:1675-1679. R123 Berger, Y.M. and C.J. Lupton. 1994. Wool characteristics of Romanov x Targhee crossbred ewes in comparison to Finn x Targhee crossbred ewes. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 10, 2:120-123. R124 Qi, K., and C.J. Lupton. 1994. A review of the effects of sulfur nutrition on wool production and quality. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 10, 2:133-140. R125 Qi, K., C.D. Lu, F.N. Owens, and C.J. Lupton. 1994. Effects of sulfate supplementation on performance, acid-base balance, and nutrient metabolism in Angora kids. Small Rumin. Res. 15:19-29. R126 Qi, K., C.J. Lupton, and F.N. Owens. 1994. A review of amino acid requirements for fiber growth of sheep and Angora goats. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 10, 3:160-167. R127 Minikhiem, D.L., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, K. Qi, and J.R. Marschall. 1995. Effects of style and character of U.S. mohair on top properties. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 11, 2:54-57. R128 Qi, K., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, D.L. Minikhiem, N.S. Kumar, and A.D. Whittaker. 1995. Automatic Image Analysis System for objective measurement of animal fibers. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 11, 2:71-77. R129 Lupton, C.J. 1995. Standard deviation of fiber diameter and other characteristics of United States wool. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 11, 3:111-121. R130 Bunge, R., D.L. Thomas, T.G. Nash, and C.J. Lupton. 1995. Performance of hair breeds and prolific wool breeds of sheep in southern Illinois: wool production. J. Anim. Sci. 74, 1:25-30. R131 Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, J.W. Holloway, B.G. Warrington, D.F. Waldron, P.V. Thompson, F.A. Pfeiffer, and K. Qi. 1996. Animal performance and fleece characteristics of Angora goats maintained on western and southern Texas rangeland. J. Anim. Sci. 74, 3:545-550. R132 Lupton, C.J. 1996. Prospects for expanded mohair and cashmere production and processing in the United States of America. J. Anim. Sci. 74, 5:1164-1172. R133 Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1997. Fiber diameter measurements of Angora goats on performance test. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13, 1:1-5. R134 Salisbury, M.W., G.R. Engdahl, B.J. May, and C.J. Lupton. 1997. Effects of protein source on performance of Rambouillet rams. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13, 2:78-81. R135 Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1997. Fiber diameter measurements of fine-wool rams on performance test. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13, 2:82-86. R136 Snowder, G.D., C.J. Lupton, J.M. Shelton, R.W. Kott, G.E. Bradford, M.R. Dally, A.D. Knight, H.A. Glimp, J.N. Stellflug, P.J. Burfening, and P.V. Thompson. 1997. Comparison of U.S. fine-wool breeds and Australian Merino F1 crosses: I. Wool characteristics and body weight. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 13, 3:108-115. R137 Snowder, G.D., J.M. Shelton, V.M. Thomas, R.W. Kott, M.R. Dally, G.E. Bradford, A.D. Knight, T.D. Willingham, H.A. Glimp, C.J. Lupton, and H. Sakul. 1997. Comparison of U.S. fine-wool breeds and Australian Merino F1 crosses: II. Growth and carcass characteristics. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13, 3:116-121. R138 Snowder, G.D., J.M. Shelton, V.M. Thomas, R.W. Kott, G.E. Bradford, C.J. Lupton, M.R. Dally, A.D. Knight, T.D. Willingham, H.A. Glimp, and P.V. Thompson. 1997. Comparison of U.S. fine-wool breeds and Australian Merino F1 crosses: III. Lamb production. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 13, 3:122-126. R139 Lupton, C.J. and F.A. Pfeiffer. 1998. Measurement of medullation in wool and mohair using an Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser. J. Anim. Sci. 76, 5:1261-1266. R140 Walz, L.S., T.W. White, J.M. Fernandez, L.R. Gentry, D.C. Blouin, M.A. Froetschel, T.F. Brown, C.J. Lupton, and A.M. Chapa. 1998. Effects of fish meal and sodium bentonite on daily gains, wool growth, carcass characteristics, and blood characteristics of lambs fed concentrate diets. J. Anim. Sci. 76:2025-2031. R141 Lupton, C.J., F.A. Pfeiffer, and A.R. Dooling. 1999. Prediction of cashmere style using objective fiber measurements. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 15, 1:1-4. R142 Salisbury, M.W., D.F. Waldron, G.R. Engdahl, C.J. Lupton, C.B. Scott, and B.J. May. 1999. Central test performance of Rambouillet rams as a predictor for growth and wool traits in feedlot and range environments. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 15, 2:80-86. R143 Coleman, S.W., C.J. Lupton, F.A. Pfeiffer, D.L. Minikheim, and S.P. Hart. 1999. Prediction of clean mohair, fiber diameter, vegetable matter, and medullated fiber with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. J. Anim. Sci. 77:2594-2602. R144 Credille, K.M., C.J. Lupton, R.A. Kennis, R.L. Maier, J. Dziezyc, S. Castle, G.A. Reinhart, G.M. Davenport, and R.W. Dunstan. 2000. The role of nutrition on the canine hair follicle: a preliminary report. In: Recent Advances in Canine and Feline Nutrition. Vol. 3. G.A. Reinhart and D.P. Cary, Eds. Orange Frazer Press, Wilmington, OH:37-54. R145 Lupton, C.J., P.V. Thompson, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2000. Relationship of face cover with productivity of Angora does on rangeland. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 16, 3:136-139. R146 Rowell, J.E., C.J. Lupton, M.S. Robertson, F.A. Pfeiffer, J.A. Nagy, and R.G. White. 2001. Fiber characteristics of qiviut and guard hair from wild muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus). J. Anim. Sci. 79, 7:1670-1674. R147 Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2001. Prickle factor in fleeces of performance-tested fine-wool rams. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 17, 1:9-13. R148 Pfeiffer, F.A. and C.J. Lupton. 2001. Comparison of three measuring techniques for staple length and strength in U.S. wools. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 17, 1:20-23. R149 Credille, K.M., C.J. Lupton, R.A. Kennis, R.L. Maier, K.A. Tucker, J. Dziezyc, S. Castle, G.A. Reinhart, G.M. Davenport, and R.W. Dunstan. 2002. What happens when a dog loses its puppy coat? Functional, developmental, and breed-related changes in the canine hair follicle. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology. K.L. Thoday, C.S. Foil, and R. Bond, Editors. Vol. 4:43-48. R150 Rhee, K.S., C.J. Lupton, Y.A. Ziprin, and K.C. Rhee. 2003. Carcass traits of Rambouillet and Merino x Rambouillet lambs and fatty acid profiles of muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue as affected by new sheep production systems. J. Meat Sci. 65:693-699. R151 Rhee, K.S., C.J. Lupton, Y.A. Ziprin, and K.C. Rhee. 2003. Effects of sheep production systems on oxidative storage stability of lean lamb patties. J. Meat Sci. 65:701-706. R152 Lupton, C.J., D.F. Waldron, and F.A. Pfeiffer. 2003. Interrelationships of traits measured on fine-wool rams during a central performance test. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 18:1-7. R153 Laughlin, A.M., D.F. Waldron, B.F. Craddock, G.R. Engdahl, R.K. Dusek, J.E. Huston, C.J. Lupton, D.N. Ueckert, T.L. Shay, and N.E. Cockett. 2003. Use of DNA markers to determine paternity in a multiple-sire mating flock. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 18:14-17. R154 Lupton, C.J., B.A. Freking, and K.A. Leymaster. 2004. Evaluation of Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale breeds of sheep: III. Wool characteristics of F1 ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2293-2300. R155 Lupton, C.J., A. McColl, and R.H. Stobart. 2006. Fiber characteristics of the Huacaya alpaca. Small Rumin. Res. 64, 3:211-224. R156 Rodgers, A.D., C.J. Lupton, and S.D. Lukefahr. 2006. Fiber production and properties of genetically furred and furless rabbits. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2566-2574. R157 Walker, J.W., E.S. Campbell, C.J. Lupton, C.A. Taylor, Jr., D.F. Waldron, and S.Y. Landau. 2007. Effects of breed, sex, and age on the variation and the ability of fecal near-infrared reflectance spectra to predict the composition of goat diets. J. Anim. Sci. 85:518-526. R158 Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, B.F. Craddock, F.A. Pfeiffer, and W.L. Polk. 2007. Comparison of three systems for concurrent production of lamb meat and wool. Small Rumin. Res. 72, 2-3: 133-140. R159 Campbell, E.S., C.A. Taylor, J.W. Walker, C.J. Lupton, , D.F. Waldron, and S.Y. Landau. 2007. Effects of supplementation on juniper intake by goats. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 60:588-595. R160 Lupton, C.J., J.E. Huston, J.W. Hruska, B.F. Craddock, F.A. Pfeiffer, and W.L. Polk. 2008. Comparison of three systems for concurrent production of high quality mohair and meat from Angora male kids. Small Rumin. Res. 74:64-71. R161 Lupton, C.J. 2008. Impacts of animal science research on United States sheep production and predictions for the future. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3252-3274. R162 Waldron, D. F., C. A. Taylor, Jr., J. W. Walker, E. S. Campbell, C. J. Lupton, T. D. Willingham, and S. Y. Landau. 2009. Heritability of juniper consumption in goats. J. Anim. Sci. 87:491-495. R163 Lupton, C. J., E. S. Campbell, B. S. Engdahl, T. D. Lovett, F. A. Pfeiffer, C. A. Taylor, Jr., D. F. Waldron, and J. W. Walker. 2009. Selecting Angora goats to consume more juniper. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems J. 11:59-64. R164 McEachern, J. K., T. R. Whitney, C. B. Scott, C. J. Lupton, and M. W. Salisbury. 2010. Substituting distillers dried grains for cottonseed meal in lamb-finishing diets: growth, wool characteristics, and serum NEFA, urea N, and IFG-1 concentrations. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 24:32-40. R165 Campbell, E. J., R. A. Frost, T. K. Mosley, J. C. Mosley, C. J. Lupton, C. A. Taylor, Jr., J. W. Walker, D. F. Waldron, and J. Musser. 2010. Pharmacokinetic differences in exposure to camphor after intraruminal dosing in selectively bred lines of goats. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2620-2626. R166 Whitney, T. R., and C. J. Lupton. 2010. Evaluating percentage of roughage in lamb finishing diets containing 40% dried distillers grains: growth, serum urea nitrogen, nonesterified fatty acids, and insulin growth factor-1 concentrations and wool, carcass, and fatty acid characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 88:3030-3040.