Texas A&M AgriLife Research 
7887 U.S. Highway 87 North
San Angelo, TX 76901
Phone: 325-657-7335
email: trwhitney@ag.tamu.edu
Academic affiliation: Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University
Dr. Whitney is an Associate Professor, Ruminant Nutritionist, and project leader for the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Nutrition Laboratory, San Angelo. Dr. Whitney serves as adjunct faculty at multiple universities. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos; cum laude), a Master’s degree in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M University (College Station; cum laude), and a Ph.D. in Animal Science from the University of Arizona (Tucson; cum laude).
Dr. Whitney’s applied Ruminant Livestock Nutrition Research Program is a component of a holistic approach to “Ranching Solutions,” which is the core objective of the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, located in San Angelo. His program aligns with the AgriLife Research Mission statement, “Scientific discovery that benefits consumers and expands agricultural sustainability, profitability, and environmental stewardship” by: (1) developing low-cost, non-human edible livestock feed alternatives; (2) designing feeding strategies to enhance sustainability and “economic viability” of the livestock industry and increase “resilience to shock”; and (3) developing a nationally recognized program to remove invasive woody plants from rangelands and convert them into valuable feed ingredients.