The Guardian Way
Welcome to “The Guardian Way” blog page.
This page will be updated monthly with information about livestock guardian dogs, and it will also provide regular updates on the livestock guardian dog program at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center in San Angelo TX. You will be able to sign up for automatic updates via email which will be sent to your inbox every time the blog is updated.
This page is authored by Bill Costanzo, Livestock Guardian Dog Research Specialist at the AgriLife Center. Bill has been using LGDs for over nine years and he joined the AgriLife team in January of 2019. His position is a project in coordination with the Texas Sheep & Goat Predator Management Board and TAMU AgriLife Research.
You may contact Bill at or 325-657-7311.
You can also follow the LGD Program on Facebook @TAMUlivestockguarddog.