Joining The Gadhave Lab
Information for Prospective Postdocs and Students
Postdoctoral researchers
Our lab is interested in recruiting skilled and talented Ph.D. scholars from diverse cultural and research backgrounds and in supporting postdoctoral training to become independent investigators. Please reach out to Dr. Gadhave for prospective postdoctoral opportunities.
Undergraduate students
Our lab provides plenty of excellent opportunities for undergraduates to obtain research experience in multiple areas, from lab to field research and from designing experiments to analyzing data. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Gadhave as soon as possible, as opportunities are limited.
Graduate students
Dr. Gadhave is interested in advising masters and Ph.D. students in any areas of insect vector biology. Because of the off-campus location of the Gadhave Lab and the relatively short duration of the master’s degree, prospective master’s students are encouraged to enroll at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, which is a part of The Texas A&M University System.
Ph.D. students, however, should enroll with the Texas A&M University Department of Entomology in College Station, for year 1 coursework, completing Ph.D. labwork in The Gadhave Lab.
Students of The Gadhave Lab will be broadly trained in molecular biology, entomology, and virology, typically within laboratory, greenhouse, and in-field research components. Dr. Gadhave strives toward supportive mentorship in addition to providing broad multidisciplinary training. Students are strongly encouraged to attend department seminars, to develop interpersonal skills, and to write grant applications.